Afghanistan Update: 01-DEC-2021

Afghanistan Update: 01-DEC-2021

We have continued to be successful in providing lodging, food, and medical care as needed throughout the entirety of Afghanistan. We continue to work with many of the organizations you see on the news. Behind the scenes, we have been responding to direct request for food, medical care, and shelter for many of these organizations.

Flights out have continued to be the talk of the town. We continue to keep a finger on the pulse of this but focus on keeping people fed and safe. We have been working with organizations attempting to help with the visa's issues at the Department of State, but no real progress at this time. 

We have also been looking at some enduring plans to help make life in country sustainable for months to come, as the process for visa continues to have projections of 18-24 months. 

The most pressing issues at this time seem to be the fear of food shortages. We will continue to work with our partners and finding solutions to these problems as they arise. 



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